Tucked away in the central highlands of Mexico, the pueblo of Patzcuaro affords us surprising nuggets of cultural pleasure. In April 2007, the XVII International Guitar Festival of Morelia extended into Patzcuaro for three nights of free concerts at the ex-Colegio Jesuita. Cuban, Argentine and Italian guitarists wrapped us in music. The Italian Eon Guitar Quartet, three men and a woman, played with panache. The four guitarists turned out crisply attired in tux with white tie, a delightful tribute to this colonial town based in Purhepecha culture. The Eon spokesman introduced each piece in what he said would be slow Italian so that the Spanish-speaking audience might understand. Fortunately he made this accommodation, because his slow Italian raced along as fast as the musicians' fingers over their guitar strings. International guitarristas and repertoire in Patzcuaro. What a treat for three crisp Spring evenings!