Saturday, April 23, 2011

Viernes Santo

The main procession for Good Friday in Pátzcuaro was listed for 7:00 PM in the printed schedule of events, if one consults such things. Of course I knew that it would take place on Pátzcuaro time, not clock time. Even so, it was close to 8:00 pm before the solemn participants started trailing down from Plaza La Basílica toward Siete Esquinas. I wanted a good viewing point and, along with many other spectators, felt I had been sitting a very long time on the very hard curbside. Ouch. At that point I stood up, no longer needing to guard my little space to sit hip-to-hip.

The skies were a little cloudy and the sun very low, so the day had soon progressed well past twilight into night.

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