Saturday, October 20, 2007

Isabel Álvarez – Singer, Composer & Pianist

Spanish-Galician singer Isabel Álvarez performed last night at the ex-Colegio Jesuita in Pátzcuaro. This diminutive artist from Vigo has a rich and melodic voice and she sang with the warmth and expressiveness of her Iberian heritage. It was a pleasure to hear this young (21 years old), classically trained musician present her own compositions. She has great stage presence and is very easy on the ears. ONCE (Spanish National Organization of the Blind) has sponsored a number of her concerts. published the following, in Gallego: “Voz melódica, versátil, prendada de frescura...interprétanos cancións orixinais ó piano abarcando unha ampla temática de cotiá actualidade capaz de deleitarnos inesperadamente e invitarnos a reflexionar, a escoltar e a disfrutar”, han dicho de ella los críticos.

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