Wednesday, April 14, 2010


On a drive around Lake Pátzcuaro when the primos were here, we watched this practice session in Oponguio. The bovine was rather placid, so the vaqueros could practice fancy lasso work.
We had our usual lunch at the Casa Grande restaurant next to the bull ring, owned by one of the Iturbide sisters. The charalitos from Zirahuén were great and so was the trout. Here two cousins flank Glen.
Between Erongarícuaro and Pátzcuaro very ripe, juicy pineapples were being sold on the side of the road. A great price--this fruit was not going to keep longer. We bought several and they were delectable.


1st Mate said...

I'm so envious about the piñas! They don't grow them up here in Sonora. I love to slice them and dehydrate them in the veggie dryer, they make a great snack, but prices prohibit buying several at a time.

Tracy Novinger said...

The great thing about multiple ripe piñas is that not only did we eat the fresh fruit, but we made some pineapple jam, as well. Yum and yum.